All About Porcelain Crowns

There are several options for a person in need of dental crowns, but perhaps one of the most popular is porcelain crowns. There are several reasons why it’s a top choice out of the dental crowns types available, but if you’re considering porcelain crowns for yourself, then read below for more information on how a porcelain crown can benefit your teeth.


What are Porcelain Crowns?

Porcelain dental crowns are a cosmetic option for people who have experienced tooth decay or have damaged teeth. They can be made as caps or crowns, in either case are custom-made, and restore a tooth to its original size, strength, and function. They are most commonly used for the restoration of front teeth and are an option when fillings or other methods of tooth restoration won’t fix the issue. 

There are several types of crowns made of porcelain, such as the traditional feldspathic porcelain, but other porcelain types include:

  • Empress: a glassy appearance that can be considered to be among ceramic crowns
  • Procera: exceptionally strong due to the milled ceramic on the inside of the crown
  • Lava: This crown is made with zirconia on the inside for a greater appeal on the outside.
  • Zirconia: made of zirconia and doesn’t leave a black line at the gum line like some porcelain-made crowns.
  • Emax: fast becoming a popular type of porcelain for crowns

Some of the options listed above are metal-based crowns but can be fused with porcelain as well. If you have a metal allergy, let your dentist know as that will impact the type of crown you’re able to have. 


How are Porcelain Dental Crowns Made?

There are several steps to making crowns out of porcelain, as each patient has unique teeth, and the dental crowns need to fit comfortably. The crown itself is made from a mold of a prepared tooth, more on that later, and is shaped like the tooth it is replacing. Depending on the type of crown chosen, such as types of porcelain, a thin layer of metal is formed around the mold of the tooth, and the porcelain is built up over it to create the rest of the crown. If the dental crown is pure porcelain, the crown is made from a mold that is prefabricated to fit over the tooth correctly. 


Benefits of Dental Crowns Made of Porcelain

As mentioned earlier, there are several types of dental crowns available and it’s important to know the benefits of each before discussing with your dentist the best type for you. With regard to dental crowns made of porcelain, the benefits include:

  • Porcelain can be formed to look like your natural teeth
  • Nearly impossible to notice due to the natural color
  • No allergic reactions
  • Crowns made of porcelain are resistant to stains
  • The best option for when decay and cavities prevent filling
  • Porcelain is extremely strong and known to last for 15 years or more
  • Crowns made of porcelain are reported to help decrease tooth sensitivity


What is the Porcelain Dental Crown Procedure?

For a dental crown made of porcelain, there are essentially three steps:

  1. Preparing the tooth
  2. Creating the crown
  3. Placing the crown

To prepare the tooth, your dentist will remove a portion of the enamel and sometimes the center of the tooth. If the crown is being placed due to tooth decay, an endodontic surgery (root canal) may be required before the crown can be placed. If the decay hasn’t reached that far, then the surface of the tooth will be reduced. Once the tooth has been shaped, a mold is made to form the crown. If the crown is to replace a tooth, a dental implant will be placed to support the crown. 

The dental crowns are created in a dental lab, but after it’s been made they will be fitted over the prepared tooth by your dentist and then adhered to with a strong dental fixative. Your dentist will likely have polish and slightly reshaped to ensure the best fit so it can fit correctly and contact the tooth on the opposing jaw for proper chewing and speaking. Once the crown is properly fitted, your dentist will cure the fixative and may do another polishing if needed.

If you need a dental crown and are considering porcelain or are worried about the strength of your teeth, we have numerous payment options available and if you have dental benefits, we will submit your claims on your behalf. We also welcome cash, Visa, MasterCard, and e-Transfer payment methods to help make the dentist visit as pain-free as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns about our dental services or would like to schedule an appointment, you can call us at 780-705-9866 or contact us here.

How Does a Dental Crown Work?

We put our teeth through a lot over our lifetime, and they can become damaged from decay, injury, or even losing their shape. Dental crowns help give our teeth some extra strength to continue chewing and help prevent further damage. People tend to wonder how a dental crown works – it’s not like a filling, and no one would want to cover up a cavity when it needs to be fixed. What are they even for? 

Let’s go over how a dental crown works, what to expect when getting one placed on your tooth, and some tips once the crown has been added. 


What is a Dental Crown?

Essentially, a dental crown is a cap that is placed over a damaged tooth. It helps to protect and cover, as well as restore the shape of the tooth if a filling doesn’t solve the issue. They’re typically made out of metal, resin, porcelain, or ceramic and strengthen the tooth as well as help it regain its appearance. Think of it as a form-fitting hat for your teeth!


Why Would I Need a Dental Crown?

There are several reasons why someone would need to have a dental crown, and even children may require one if they have a tooth that cannot support a filling. Some reasons why an adult would need one include:

  • Protecting a tooth from decay, breaking, or cracking
  • Restoring a tooth that is broken or severely worn down
  • Covering a dental implant
  • Covering a tooth post-root canal
  • Holding a dental bridge in place
  • Helping to support a tooth with a large filling, especially if much of the natural tooth has worn or cracked away
  • Covering a tooth that is severely discolored or misshapen

As you can see, a dental crown can be used for medically necessary reasons or for cosmetic reasons, and for all age groups. 


How is a Dental Crown Placed?

If you have anxiety around the dentist’s office, it can help to know the procedure involved when getting a dental crown placed. First, there are two visits involved when in need of a dental crown. Here’s what you can expect when in need of a dental crown treatment:

In your first dental crown appointment:

  1. A dentist will examine the tooth in need of a crown.
  2. X-rays are taken of the tooth and the surrounding bone.
  3. After the exam, if any decay, injury to the pulp, or risk of infection is found, a root canal may be needed. You can read more about root canals here.
  4. The tooth will be filed down on the top and on both sides to make space for the crown. The amount of tooth filed depends on the type of crown you’ll be getting. For example, an all-metal crown won’t require much of the tooth to be filed away since it’s made of thinner material.
  5. A putty is used to make an impression of the tooth and the teeth around it after reshaping is finished. This ensures the crown fits and does not affect your natural bite. 
  6. The impression is sent to a dental lab where a crown will be made. While you wait for your crown, your dentist will give you a temporary one to protect the tooth. 

Your second dental crown appointment involves:

  1. The temporary crown given on your first visit is removed.
  2. The fit and color of the permanent dental crown is checked before being applied.
  3. A local anesthetic is applied to numb the tooth and the new crown is cemented on top in place. 

You’re all done! 

Dental Crown Aftercare

Now that you know how a dental crown works, what about after it has been placed? You’ll be happy to know that there isn’t any special care involved outside of routine brushing and flossing. This is important as the dental crown doesn’t stop decay or gum disease from getting to the tooth it’s protecting. It’s also important to note that dental crowns don’t last forever – they usually range between 5-15 years.

If you need a dental crown or are worried about the strength of your teeth, we have numerous payment options available and if you have dental benefits, we will submit your claims on your behalf. We also welcome cash, Visa, MasterCard, and e-Transfer payment methods to help make the dentist visit as pain-free as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns about our dental services or would like to schedule an appointment, you can call us at 587-801-1939 or contact us here.