How Do Dental Veneers Work?

For people who feel their teeth aren’t in the best state to show when they laugh or smile, they’ll likely look at dental veneers to help restore confidence in expressing themselves. There are several options within cosmetic dentistry to give you that confidence boost and help you feel more comfortable, but while researching what’s the best option for you’re likely looking into how a treatment works. 

Look no further for information on how teeth veneers work for your smile than the facts below. 


What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are a treatment within cosmetic dentistry where thin shells are placed on the surface of a tooth. Veneers can be used for a wide range of dental issues and there are several materials you can choose from, such as the popular porcelain veneer. The porcelain type of veneers is the traditional choice due to their strength and durability, with the added benefit that they look nearly identical to the natural enamel of your teeth. Other choices of veneers include:

  • Composite resin veneers: they can take longer to create, but also offer a natural appearance that mimics your natural teeth and are quite durable.
  • Ceramic veneers: a cost-effective solution that requires less tooth preparation and can look natural depending on the quality of composite resin used. 

If you’re unsure what choice of veneer is for you, talk with your dentist to see what will work best for your situation and dental treatment. 


How Do Veneers Better Dental Health?

Veneers can help restore your teeth to a healthy-looking smile and help resolve an array of dental issues that may have undercut their pristine look. While many people seek out veneers to cover up imperfections they’re concerned about, like stains or discolorations of your teeth, they can also be used as a repair treatment. Veneers can also be used to help with:

  • Filling gaps between teeth
  • Helping crooked teeth look straight
  • Covering up chips and broken teeth
  • Covering up abnormally shaped teeth

Veneers are a very versatile tool in a dentist’s toolbox, so whether you’re wanting to improve your teeth’s appearance or better their health, veneers are an excellent choice to discuss with your dentist. 


How Dental Veneers Work

Veneers work by covering the existing teeth with a layer of porcelain, or other materials mentioned earlier, that is as thin as a wafer. Part of the dental veneer procedure is removing less than a millimeter off the surface of the tooth to preserve the nerve and keep the tooth’s strength, helping to ensure the teeth last and there is little risk of replacing them if needed in the future. 

Veneers are custom and don’t need to cover every tooth, just the ones that are of concern and potentially the ones on either side. Your dentist customized the veneer based on the shape and color of your natural teeth, as well as the ones surrounding where the veneer is being placed. That is more so for full veneers rather than partial veneers, the latter being closer to arranging puzzle pieces to cover damaged or discolored areas rather than the whole tooth. 


Get Veneers For Your Teeth With Us!

If getting veneers sounds like a restorative treatment you’re looking for, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Li. She’ll examine your health history and current dental health before outlining a treatment plan that is personalized to your teeth’ needs.

Dr. Li and the care team at Ellerslie 66 Dental Clinic strive to make dental care affordable and accessible to all of our patients. We will work with you to find a treatment plan for your dental veneers that works for your financial situation.

If you have questions about veneers, our team of compassionate professionals can help you understand all of your options. Contact us now or give us a call at (780) 705-9866.

Everything You Wanted to Know About Dental Veneers

Your smile is important! From instant selfies, to showing confidence at the big business meeting, or looking your best on that first date, your smile says a lot about you.

However, dental issues such stains and discoloration, broken and chipped teeth, abnormally shaped teeth, and gaps can cause millions of people hide their smile from the rest of the world.

If you’re one of the many Canadians who are stressed or embarrassed by their smile then dental veneers might be a good fit for you.

We know that you might have a lot of questions before choosing veneers, so we’re here to help provide you with the information that you need to make the right decision for your dental health.


What Are Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin shells that are attached to the front surface of the tooth. They are arguably one of the most versatile tools at a dentist’s disposal, and can be used to help encourage tooth repair and hide a number of cosmetic dental issues.

The most traditional veneers are porcelain veneers, but other types of materials may be used in some situations. Most dentists prefer porcelain because it is not only a strong and highly durable material, but it’s coloring and sheen closely mimic the look of your natural tooth enamel. This means the veneer more closely resembles your natural teeth, giving you a clean, beautiful smile you can be proud of.


What Are Veneers Used For?

Veneers are a truly multifaceted cosmetic dental tool and can be used to help resolve a variety of dental issues.

One of the most common uses of veneers is to help cover up stains and discolorations that do not respond to other teeth whitening or bleaching procedures. However, they can also be used to repair issues with your tooth structure including covering up chips and broken teeth, filling gaps between teeth, and helping make crooked teeth look straight.

  • Veneers Can Help With:
  • Permanent stains and discoloration
  • Gaps in teeth
  • Broken and chipped teeth
  • Abnormally shaped teeth


Are Veneers Permanent?

Porcelain veneers are not a permanent fix for your dental issues, but they do provide you with a long lasting, natural looking solution that can improve your smile for many years. While the procedure itself is irreversible, your veneers will eventually break down and need to be replaced. However, porcelain veneers can last for an average of 10 years, and can last for even longer if well maintained.

There are also some cases where temporary, clip-on composite veneers might be suggested. Composite resin veneers can be a less expensive alternative to permanent veneers, are removable and replaceable, and don’t require invasive dental procedures to place. Therefore they may be a better option for patients in some circumstances.

However, they do come with a number of disadvantages that porcelain veneers don’t have.

Because they are not as durable as porcelain, there are a number of foods that should be avoided when wearing temporary veneers such as hard foods, tough meats, sticky foods, and foods that have staining agents. Brushing and flossing with temporary veneers also requires some additional caution as flossing, and electric toothbrushes may loosen the bonds between your teeth and the veneer. Finally, although composite veneers can help resolve several dental conditions, just like porcelain, they don’t have , so they may be more noticeable.


How Are Veneers Applied?

The process of installing veneers can take several weeks to complete and is done in multiple phases.

First, in order to prepare your teeth for your veneers, your dentist may need to reshape the surface of your tooth by trimming off some of your existing tooth enamel. In some cases your dentist may suggest a local anesthetic for this part of the procedure to help a patient feel more comfortable.

After your teeth have been shaped and prepared, your dentist will take a mold of your teeth. This mold will be sent off to a laboratory that will create your porcelain veneers. In the meantime, this is one of the instances where temporary veneers come in handy, as they can be inserted until the time your new veneers are ready.

After two to four weeks you’ll return to your dentist for the veneer placement. After your dentist ensures that they fit on your teeth well, they will clean, polish, and etch your teeth to prepare them to be set. To place the veneer, a special cement will be applied to bond with the etching made in your teeth. Once the veneers are placed a special light will be applied to encourage a chemical bond between your veneer and the cement. Your dentist will then clean any excess cement, check your bite, and make any last minute adjustments before sending you off with your new smile.


Are Veneers Worth It?

In many cases dental veneers can be the best solution to help resolve some of your cosmetic dental issues. As previously mentioned, they are highly versatile and can be used to help with anything from covering discolored teeth, to hiding broken and chipped teeth, filling gaps, and fixing abnormally shaped teeth.
That being said, they are not the answer to every dental problem.

We recommend a consultation with our team of compassionate dental professionals to determine if you are a good candidate for dental veneers. At the time of your consultation a dentist will examine your teeth to determine if a veneer will help resolve your issues.

If you’re a good candidate, we’ll move forward with the procedure from there. If not, we’ll recommend another procedure that may be right for you, whether that may be dental implants, dental restorations, or something else.


How Much Do Veneers Cost?

The price of dental veneers varies from patient to patient depending on their needs. During your initial consultation with Dr. Li, she will examine your health history and current oral health, and outline a treatment plan that is customized to your exact needs.

Dr. Li and the care team at Ellerslie 66 Dental Clinic strive to make dental care affordable and accessible to all of our patients. We will work with you to find a treatment plan for your dental veneers that works for your financial situation.

If you have questions about dental veneers, our team of compassionate professionals can help you understand all of your options. Contact us now or give us a call at (780) 705-9866.