Having whiter teeth is a goal many people have, and it’s no wonder why so many scour the internet looking for solutions. There are so many kinds of toothpaste, foods, drinks, types of mouthwash, and other products that offer relief from stains or yellow hues, it’s dizzying to think about which ones are right for you. 

In an attempt to help people get the color they want for their teeth, we’ve assembled some helpful ways to whiten teeth naturally, as well as methods dentists use to whiten teeth cosmetically. Let’s start with helpful tips you can use at your home.


How to Whiten Teeth Naturally

Brushing Your Teeth

It’s a bit of a no-brainer, but it really does work. Brushing your teeth daily is the best way to whiten your teeth and prevent stains from sticking. If your teeth are already a bit yellowish for your liking, brushing a bit more often isn’t a bad idea, in fact, it can help! A helpful tip for frequent brushers, don’t brush immediately after eating acidic foods or drinks, which can cause erosion of your teeth and the enamel. So don’t feel the need to rush to your toothbrush as soon as you’ve finished your meal. 

The Ol’ Baking Soda

Ever wonder why baking soda is in so many kinds of toothpaste? That’s because it helps to remove stains from the surface of your teeth without being harsh to them. Some home tips call for hydrogen peroxide to be mixed with baking soda, in which case you get a paste to brush with. Forewarning, though: pure hydrogen peroxide can be a bit too harsh on your gums. 

Cosmetic Dentistry to Whiten Teeth

Home tips are great and all, but they can take quite some time before you see any difference. The other option is to see your oral health professional for some cosmetic dentistry. Going to your dentist is a speedier process with the added benefit of being under supervision while your teeth reclaim their bright white. Here is what to expect if choosing to lighten your smile at the dental office:

  • Be prepared for a 60 to 90 meeting appointment
  • Before beginning the teeth whitening process, your dentist will record the current shade of your teeth
  • Your teeth will be polished with pumice, which is a grainy material that removes any plaque on the surface of your teeth.
  • Be prepared for a dry mouth, your dentist will use gauze and retractors to help keep your teeth dry and to keep the rest of the mouth away from the whitening solution.
  • Your teeth will be coated in a whitening solution, usually either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. Both are good bleaching agents.
  • Depending on the product your dentist uses to whiten your teeth, they may use a curing light or laser to activate the peroxide. Once that is done, you’ll be sitting around for half an hour to an hour to let the solutions work their magic.
  • Once the best shade for your teeth is reached or the maximum time is met, your teeth will be rinsed. 
  • To help with any teeth sensitivity, your dentist may apply fluoride. Don’t worry, tooth sensitivity is common after having your teeth whitened.
  • If the optimum shade isn’t reached in one visit, your dentist will want to schedule a follow-up appointment to help further whiten your teeth. 

Depending on your dentist, they may have a do-it-yourself teeth whitening kit. If you’re not wanting or are unable to hang around the dental office for 90 minutes, be sure to ask your dentist if this is an option for you. 


Whitened Teeth is a Brighter Smile

The best way to help prevent a yellowed smile is to brush regularly and see your dentist at least once a year. There is no better treatment than ongoing oral care. If you are in need of a dental check-up or looking for how to whiten your teeth, Dr. Li is available to restore your smile. We have numerous payment options available, and if you have dental benefits, we submit your claims on your behalf. We also accept cash, Visa, MasterCard, and e-Transfer payment methods to help make your visit as quick and pain-free as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns about our dental services or would like to schedule an appointment, you can call us at 587-801-1939 or contact us here.

Yuping Li

Yuping Li